A day at the Garden of Siloam

8:30  Picking up Children

Three vehicles pick up and drop off children and their families.

10:00 Arrival and Preparation

A day at the Garden of Siloam begins.

10:30 Morning Assembly

It is time for the children, families and staff to come together and become like a family.

10:50  Class Activity

It is time for children to have new experiences, to have a fun with other friends, to learn and be supported according to their needs.

10:50  Family Gathering

While the children participate in the class activities, parents gather and have time of share their thoughts and feelings.

10:50  Individual Therapy

Physio therapy and occupational therapy are given in parallel with class activities.

◆ Physio Therapy

◆ Occupational Therapy

◆ Speech Therapy (Volunteers)

12:15 Outdoor Play and Free Time

The two classes come together and play as they enjoy.

13:15  Lunch Time

We strive to have the joy of living through food.

13:45  Brushing teeth & Preparing to go home

Oral hygiene is one of the key issues to maintain health of children with special needs. 

14:30  Go Home

Other Services

Medical Treatment

Group Therapy

Once a week,  children are divided into 3 classes and conduct group activities, parent-child activities, etc.

Youth Class (Angaza Class)

The idea behind Angaza class is to create a holistic individual who lives a Christ-centered life, understands their abilities and is able to cope if not fit entirely in society. The coined name Angaza speaks to the core of it, that each and every one will shine with a brightness only unique to them and in so doing, will impact society.

Our activities are geared towards learners discovering their talents, exploring their opportunities and using their abilities to realize the same. The learners are also encouraged through different activities to express and share their different experiences, feelings and emotions, and in so doing grow into empathetic individuals. Friendships are as well a vital part of Angaza as with them, learners are able to have a community they belong to and can relate with.

Daycare Service

We introduced daycare services with the aim of providing our children with an opportunity to spend time with other children away from home on the days when they are not scheduled to receive our comprehensive services due to our capacity, and also to provide more time to their caregivers to engage in economic activities that may be helpful in meeting the families’ daily needs.

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The Garden of Siloam

PO box 1261-00621, Nairobi,
Republic of Kenya