OUr focus

The Garden of Siloam, Strategic Planning (Jan 2020 – Dec 2024)

Starting from January 2020 for five years, the Garden of Siloam targets the following work in the four main areas.

A. Direct service delivery at the facility: Providing of quality and quantity service

B. Community: Enhanced awareness in the community about special needs

C. Empowerment: Fostering self-reliance / independence in the livelihood of our clients (children and their families) socially, economically and spiritually

D. Advocacy and Sustainability: Children with special needs and their families to get support from society and the organisation to be effective and achieve its goals in the foreseeable future

Overall Goal: Provision of quality and quantity services


1-1. To continue providing quality services to children with special needs and their families (therapy, medical, education, psycho-social, spiritual supports, etc.)

1-2. To develop and improve staff capacity for professional intervention for children

1-3. To enhance children’s ability to function socially, emotionally and behaviourally

1-4. To bring salvation and knowledge of God to children and their families

1-5. To better the clients lives outside The Garden of Siloam by linking the facility service with daily life

1-6. To improve clients’ knowledge, understanding and acceptance about children’s condition

1-7. To initiate and establish vocational training services

1-8. To improve skills for assessment, planning and evaluation (improved assessment skills and IEP)

1-9. To enhance collaboration with other facilities within reach

1-10. To reduce the waiting list and waiting time

Overall Goal: Enhanced awareness in the community about special needs


2-1. Community to have right information concerning special needs

2-2. Improved capacity of professionals (teachers, therapists etc.) in community

Overall goal: Fostering self-reliance / independence in the livelihood of our clients (children and their families) socially, economically and spiritually


3-1. To provide necessary information about the various conditions and how to support to the clients

3-2. To provide self-help skills related to the economic activities of our clients

3-3. To enable our clients, find access to government support

3-4. To impact the spiritual wellbeing of our clients

3-5. To create forum for the families of the clients to share information and to encourage each other

Overall goals: Children with special needs and their families to get support from society
The Organisation to be effective and achieve its goals in the foreseeable future


4-1. To influence decisions of parents and relevant officials within social, political and economic institutions within the target community

4-2. To advocate for special need children to be given opportunity to acquire education, therapy, medical care and other skills.

4-3. To build a permanent and efficient structure in the newly purchased land

4-4. To identify and maintain committed long-term partners

4-5. To increase the proportion of service fee income

4-6. To minimize operational cost

4-7. To create interest and work together with other institutions that directly or indirectly offer services to our clients

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The Garden of Siloam

PO box 1261-00621, Nairobi,
Republic of Kenya